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Thailand diving scene at the Similan Islands and Surin Islands excellent diving locations

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Thailand diving scene at the Similan Islands and Surin Islands excellent diving locations

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We had many students on board for this trip, with people completing their Advanced, Nitrox and Deep Specialty courses during this time around. Congratulations to Glauber, Marco, Zach and Artyom for completing their PADI Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) course on board.



Great job by Ruben, Carlos, Victor, Jiapeng, Alesya, Nikolay and Artem for becoming PADI Advanced Open Water divers, now certified to go down to 30 meters. Sweet! Also, congrats to Abdullatif for finishing his PADI Deep Specialty course. Really good fun that one was, just don't ask him to spell his name backwards while underwater!


We hope to see you soon, diving with us here at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures. We've got liveaboard boats departing on trips to the Similans nearly every day, with six different boats running three day, four day and five days trips in and around the Similan Island and Surin Island national parks. Come and join us for you next scuba diving adventure!


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