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Welcoming Manta Queen 6 - Her Maiden Similans Trip

Blogs of KSA

Welcoming Manta Queen 6 - Her Maiden Similans Trip

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Exclusively for our overnight live aboard customers (you'll find no day trippers on this boat!) the MQ6 is the full live aboard experience - all those on board will enjoy the signature hospitality of KSA and kick back to soak up the beautiful surroundings.


Our first trip of the season was a great success - with all those on board soaking up the natural beauty and pristine water quality that the Similans are famous for and trip leader Geoff making sure everything ran smoothly and everyone had a smile on their face.


Over the course of 10 dives our divers were treated to a whole array of marine life - from the friendly puffer fish that inhabit all the sites through to tuna, GTs, lobsters and a vast selection of nudi branches all nestled amongst huge granite rocky outcrops, colourful soft corals and amazing swim throughs. The Similans really does offer something for every divers taste!




Some of the stand out highlights of this dive trip thought included a huge school of giant barracuda - easily to the tune of 150+ individuals - which joined us on the mooring line descent at North Point dive site…an amazing spectacle to behold.


More than a few ribbon eels were located by our eagle eyed staff too - something a few of our customers had waited years to lock eyes on!


b2ap3_thumbnail_MQ6-CStevens-WEB-51-of-58.jpgA sunset dive at Whale Back Rock treated divers to an up close encounter with a hawksbill turtle - which at first glance was busy chowing down on some corals. However it soon became apparent that he’s eaten someones house as a family of clown fish frantically swam around him and bombarded his face until he eventually moved on and left them trying to figure out a new place to live! Two of the oceans most loveable inhabitants encompassed in a rather sad drama of nature!


And with all this action underwater our on board chefs served up the culinary treats that all the KSA live a boards are famed for - if there’s one thing divers need it’s a solid feed…and there was more than enough to keep all the hungry mouths and bellies on board satisfied!


All in all the Manta Queen 6 has already established herself amongst the Khao Lak Scuba Adventures fleet and we’re looking forward to welcoming back many satisfied divers over the course of the season from her hospitality.


Roll on the next trip…


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