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Whaleshark at Richelieu Rock

Blogs of KSA

Whaleshark at Richelieu Rock

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Similan Island Liveaboard heading to the Surin and Similan Islands.

Out of Khao Lak in with a blaze of fireworks, Manta Queen 7 is off again on a 5 day adventure to the world famouse Similan Island Marine Park.

22 guests from the 4 corners of the globe smiling as we leave!

We begin in the southern Similan Islands with Anita’s Reef – our traditional starting point – before heading north.
On board we have a club from China who are very excited to be diving the famous sites with Alex, Geri and Emma. We also have divers from Brazil, Sweden, France, Spain and Russia – A United Nations of boats!

At West of Eden we see our old friends – the spearing mantis shrimp and the turtle. In fact, we were super-lucky as the turtle swam around the boat all lunctime for our snorkelers before following us on the dive – munching on coral and posing for the camera. Not only that but this inquisitive turtle hangs around the boat during the whole of lunchtime, many of the customers getting the opportunity to swim alongside this amazing creature at close quarters.

Koh Bon Island is as beautiful as always, the limestone walls making the dive like gliding over another planet…with Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Sea Snakes and Octopus.
Anna, her first time diving since passing her PADI Open Water course with us, is grinning ear to ear after ever dive. She can’t believe what she is seeing!
We move on to Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock next, the northern-most point of our 5 day journey. The sun is shining. The weather is calm. Everyone is in good spirits.

Richelieu Rock is superb as always, batfish, barracuda, eels and shrimps of all kinds, mating cuttlefish. One dive group are even lucky enough to see an amazing Whale Shark gliding through the ocean as they hover on their safety stop. Although sad to go, it’s all smiles when we leave. Happy divers!

Congratulations to Anna Larsson on completing her PADI Adventure Diver qualification onboard – well done Anna!

Another great Manta Queen 7 trip - see you on the next one!!

The Team of Khao Lak Scuba Adventures

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